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Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

A Workshop for Counselling Practitioners


The workshop utilises a range of videos, group work, PowerPoint and experiential exercises throughout.

We will consider how CBT might be integrated into clinical practice alongside other modalities.    


Module 1


A brief underlying theory of CBT.


Module 2


Introducing the role of beliefs


  • How our thinking influences our feelings and actions.

  • A creative, experiential exercise will be used here.  


Module 3


Introducing the ABC as a tool to understand and frame an emotional problem  


  • The ABC is a tool that can be used to structure and understand a problem.  How can it be used in practice to work creatively with your client?  

  • An imaginative ABC diagram will be employed throughout the workshop that can be used in the course of ongoing work.


Module 4


What thoughts and beliefs are at the heart of the problem?

  • This module will focus on the beliefs and thinking processes that generated the unwanted emotional, physical and behavioural consequences.


Module 5


Adopting helpful thinking strategies:  Encouraging your client to think differently 


  • Participants will notice how employing different thoughts and beliefs can generate a more helpful emotional, physical and behavioural response.

  • What alternative thinking strategies would be more helpful or constructive?


Module 6


Tuning into our emotions and our behaviour:  What techniques can we use? 

  • Become aware of what is happening in our body.  For example, when we feel anxious or angry, we might actively tune into and slow down our breathing.  

  • Other examples include keeping a mood diary; mindfulness techniques; counting to 10 when feeling angry, etc.  

  • The use of vivid, creative or energetic techniques can help, such as exercise; laughing; or art or writing.

  • Creative experiential exercises, discussion and videos will be employed here.


Module 7


Focusing our interventions in Clinical Practice


  • We will look more closely at specific emotional, behavioural and physiological responses, and consider how we might focus our interventions in clinical practice.

  • I invite group members to present their own, individual case studies that may help in the course of their work.  We will revisit these case studies in module 8.


Module 8


Integrating thoughts, feelings, behaviour and physical reactions

  • Bringing it all together with our ABC.  

  • Revisiting the case studies that group members presented earlier. Suggestions and helpful interventions that might be employed moving forward.

  • General discussion and feedback.  For example, how might the learning of the day be carried forward and integrated into clinical practice? 




  • Suggested websites and books.

  • A few tools and forms that may be helpful to you in your practice.


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