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Live Without Stress:  Self-help skills to help you now - and in the future

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When you feel stressed or anxious, you may not be able to change the circumstances you find yourself in, but you can change how you think, feel and react to them.

This page offers a summary about what you can expect from the workshop.  The skills you learn will support you now, and in the future.

A series of creative and experiential exercises are used throughout.  

How we think, what we do, and how we feel emotionally and physiologically are interconnected and impact on each other.  We will explore how this can maintain the cycle of stress and anxiety, and how you can help yourself now, and in the future

Designed as a 1-day course, as well as a series of 4 mini workshops, it will allow you to practice any of the techniques during the day or between sessions, with the opportunity to feedback and discuss how it went for you.  It is  a mutually supportive course, so numbers will be kept relatively low, with a maximum of 10 in attendance.

Part 1

Understand your stress and anxiety

Nobody can get through life without feeling stressed or anxious sometimes.  We may not even recognise that we are in fact stressed, but issues, such as a change in sleeping patterns, finding it harder to concentrate, procrastination, feeling nervous in the body, can all be indicators.  


What triggers your stress or anxiety?  

What does it look like for you?

Think Differently

What do you tell yourself?  We will creatively explore how your thinking patterns might impact on your stress.  What helpful alternatives could you start to promote - and how? 

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Part 2

​Regulating Emotions and what might you DO to help yourself?


Exploring tools and techniques that could work for you.  Introducing Mindfulness, and some experiential exercises to help you help yourself. 

​Mindfulness provides practical, pragmatic tools to help us help ourselves with our stress.  Although meditation can be one aspect of Mindfulness - it does not have to be part of the process.  For me, the power of mindfulness is 'being aware'.  This means that, as much as I can, I try to be in tune with my thoughts, actions and emotional reactions as they occur. 

For example, thoughts can sometimes take a life of their own - e.g. worries about the future, or ruminating on the past - and this can  generate and maintain stress or anxiety.  Once we are aware of what is happening, we can bring ourselves back to the present - to our body or to our physical environment.  (we will explore, through experiential exercises, how you might achieve this).


We may also check in with our self: Is this helping me or hindering me?    What can I do to help myself right now?  Does ruminating on the past help?  What purpose does it serve to worry about the future, or about things I cannot control?  

Part 3 & 4

Exploring tools and techniques to help you now, and in the future.

What might work for you?  Dynamic, experiential exercises will be explored in these sessions.  Discover what you might put in your own tool box to take forward into the future to help yourself.

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